Does Your Roof Need Bedding And Pointing?

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Is your tile roof looking a little worse for wear? It may have been some time since you gave it much attention, and the effects of harsh weather and general degradation might now prompt you to take action. You will probably need to opt for re-bedding and re-pointing in a situation like this, but what is involved with these strategies?

Bed And Point

When tiles are first fitted to a roof, they need to enjoy a flat and receptive surface to bind correctly and stay in place. This surface is known as the "bed" and has to be carefully prepared and applied in search of longevity. The space in between individual tiles must also be treated to avoid water infiltration or other issues, and this particular process is known as pointing.

Understanding The Work

In an advanced situation like yours, a roofer may first have to remove the old mortar and tiles, so they can clean everything off and inspect the infrastructure. They will then need to choose the proper mortar or flexible compound before laying this carefully and fixing new tiles in place.

Flexible Compound

Your old mortar mixture may be showing signs of cracking, which was to be expected based on the materials used in its construction. A modern-day roofer will typically use a more flexible compound as this is less likely to crack and has good waterproofing qualities. It will also tend to look nice from afar, which is an important consideration from an aesthetic point of view.

Replacement Tiles

Should you need to replace most of your tiles, always get high-quality items. They need to put up with typically tough Australian weather conditions and be made to "grip" the mortar beneath. Some of the better versions will have precut ridges beneath the surface, so they are less likely to break away and more likely to interact well with the bedding and pointing mixtures.

Action Required

It's always a good idea to fix a roof that has started to exhibit signs of wear. If you don't, you could encounter major problems in the future, including an outbreak of mould. As you may know, this can cause health problems for the occupants of the property, but wood rot can also emerge, which can be destructive to the beams and roofing structure.

Next Moves

Talk with a roof repair service in your area about your problems. They will be happy to look at your problem and suggest a good outcome.

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About Me

Ralph's Roofing Blog Hello! My name is Ralph and this is my roofing blog. I first became fascinated with roofing when I was a boy. When my dad was angry at me. I would climb up onto the roof of our house and hide. One afternoon, when I was hiding on the roof, I found myself looking at the tiles and wondering how they fitted together and stayed in place. I decided to spend a couple of months hanging around the local roofing contractors office so I could learn a thing or two. And I did. Although I never became a professional roofer myself, I still remember all of the tips and advice.

